With the NPHyCo project due to end in February 2025, a series of events are foreseen in order to present and discuss the key conclusions of the work undertaken by this consortium. Watch this space for more information!
Webinar Series
In order to present the results of the NPHyCo Project, three webinars are foreseen. Find out more below!
TWith the NPHyCo project due to conclude at the end of February 2025, a final event conference is planned for early February 2025. It will be held in Brussels and aims to bring together representatives from the nuclear and hydrogen sectors, potential downstream users, policy makers and more.Registration by the link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=fvHKq73lNU2-kdB2bnNQZlFD9FqfivNNseTI3wXvyBtUQUM1RUhSQjZPVkpROVMySFU3QjVLQzJaVC4u&route=shorturl