NPHyCo organises webinar on economics of nuclear produced hydrogen
On 21 January 2025, NPHyCo organised the final online Advisory Board meeting to discuss the outcomes of the project.
Overall, the Advisory Board found the conclusions to be useful. They shared their thoughts on some of the technical conclusions, and highlighted areas where future work could be considered, for example in terms of the business model and the concrete benefits which it could bring to existing nuclear power plants. In terms of policy discussions, it was noted that the results of the project have been fed into the European Commission’s discussions around production of hydrogen at EU level.
Participants also discussed the potential for a pilot project in the future in the EU, similar to those ongoing in the US. In this respect, there are some potential projects in the EU (for example in Sweden), and in terms of a project linked specifically to the work undertaken by NPHyCo one may envisaged in the future subject to funding being made available, for example. From a promotion perspective, participants indicated that the webinars were a great way of presenting the results of the project and encouraged further promotion of these activities.
The NPHyCo project partners also took the opportunity of thanking the Advisory Board members for their support and valuable feedback during the project.
NPHyCo organises webinar on economics of nuclear produced hydrogen
On 13 January 2025, NPHyCo partners Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) and Tecnatom co-organised the third webinar in the series on nuclear and hydrogen co-generation, dedicated to the economics of generating hydrogen from nuclear.
Following an introduction by project coordinator Canet Serin, the floor was given to Tecnatom’s Cecilia Herrero Moriana, who presented the financial modelling work carried out in the framework of the project. She detailed the different estimations that were made for costs and revenues, based on simulations of different parameters, such as the level of integration of the hydrogen production plant and nuclear power plant, or the electrolysis method used.
She added that beyond the integration scenario and the electrolysis method, production strategies also affect cost projections, noting that a price-based strategy where hydrogen production is favoured when electricity prices are low and power generation is favoured when electricity prices are high maximises benefits. Stephanie Crevon, from CEA, then gave an overview of current and future hydrogen markets. She highlighted that hydrogen is currently mainly used for refining, ammonia production and other chemical processes, but that future demand is set to expand to other sectors, such as steel or Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production.
Stephanie further noted that demand for low-carbon hydrogen could amount to between 5.7 and 6.4 Million tonnes by 2035, and that leveraging solutions to reliably produce low-carbon hydrogen is key to meeting that demand. She added that a stable regulatory framework is also needed to incentivise low-carbon hydrogen production.
As a conclusion to the webinar, Cecilia Herrero Moriana highlighted that the price of nuclear produced hydrogen could become competitive in the medium term, but stressed that research and development activities and investments should be ramping up, and that projects need to be supported by subventions and favourable policies. Following a final Q&A session, Canet Serin reminded all participants that registration for the NPHyCo Final Conference, which will be taking place in Brussels on 11 February 2025, is now open.
NPHyCo organises webinar on licensing and safety aspects of nuclear and hydrogen co-generation
On 16 December 2024, NPHyCo project partner Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group (NRG) organised the second of a series of webinars on nuclear and hydrogen co-generation, with a focus on licensing and safety aspects.
The webinar was introduced by NPHyCo Project Coordinator Canet Serin, who gave an overview of the project’s activities and objectives. She noted that as the project is drawing to a close, the webinar series and the foreseen final conference will allow to present the outcomes of the different work packages.
Following the introduction, Canet then gave the floor to Jan Meulenbrugge, Licensing & Safety Team Coordinator at NRG. He first detailed the current European policy context regarding hydrogen production from nuclear, highlighting that the EU is putting forward ambitious targets for low-carbon hydrogen and that nuclear will play a key role to support domestic hydrogen production. He noted however that nuclear produced hydrogen is still awaiting its certification as low-carbon, and that the European Commission is still working on a fully-fledged legislative framework for hydrogen, but that such a framework is not yet active.
Delving into the specificities of licensing processes for nuclear and hydrogen co-generation, Jan stressed that the licensing framework could vary greatly depending on the hydrogen production plant location. He specifically detailed the differences between the licensing frameworks for onsite and offsite integration, and for the coupling of a hydrogen production plant with a nuclear power plant.
“The more the hydrogen production plant is integrated with the nuclear power plant, the more the licensing focuses on the nuclear aspects, whereas with less integration, there is more focus on the hydrogen aspects of the licensing procedure” he said, adding that for each project, some location specific factors should also be considered.
Jan then discussed the safety questions related to nuclear and hydrogen co-generation, listing potential risk factors associated with hydrogen production and storage. He noted that the risk assessment and modelling showed that a hydrogen production plant could be operated on a nuclear power plant site, but that it is preferrable to have the storage offsite.
Following a Q&A session, Jan concluded the webinar by thanking participants, and listed upcoming NPHyCo events: a webinar on the economic aspects of nuclear and hydrogen co-generation on 13 January 2025, and the project’s final conference, taking place in Brussels on 11 February 2025.
Ukrainian version of website and public acceptance survey now available!
Thanks to project partner ENERGY SAFETY GROUP a Ukrainian version of both the NPHyCo website and public acceptance survey are now available.
The website allows users in Ukraine to learn more about this EU project on hydrogen production from nuclear energy, funded under the Euratom Research and Training Program. The website can be found here:
Furthermore, a Ukrainian version of the public acceptance survey is now also available, as part of the hydrogen energy evolution study in Ukraine and the implementation of hydrogen technologies in NPP. The survey, based on the European version, has been conducted by ES Group, with the participation of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society and the Energy Safety Institute. The purpose of the survey is to study public opinion regarding hydrogen in Ukraine. The survey can be found here:
The main task of the project is to study the feasibility of hydrogen production near operating NPPs, the potential location of such cogeneration facilities as well as the added value of such projects.
NPHyCo is also working on the implementation of the first pilot project for the production of low-carbon hydrogen in Europe, and understanding public opinion is one of the key aspects when taking such important decisions.
NPHyCo presented in framework of “Interesting about Nuclear Science” project
In order to promote the results of the NPHyCo project, an article entitled “Nuclear Powered Hydrogen Cogeneration (NPHyCo Project) - Hydrogen Technologies at Operating Nuclear Power Plants” was published by Oleksandr Mazurok, General Director of Energy Safety Group LLC, and member of the Board of PO “Ukrainian Nuclear Society” (UkrNS), as part of the “Interesting about Nuclear Science” project implemented by the UkrNS.
The publication discusses the prospects for using electricity generated at nuclear power plants to produce low-carbon hydrogen and why this is one of the most promising areas for the development of the hydrogen industry both in Ukraine and globally. In particular, the article shares examples of hydrogen plant projects which have already been implemented, how a nuclear power plant can benefit from a hydrogen plant and vice versa, and what studies and developments are already underway in Ukraine to implement hydrogen cogeneration technologies at existing nuclear power plants.
NPHyCo discussed during Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy conference
During the 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 31), held from 3-8 August in Prague (Czech Republic), NPHyCo partner ESG had the opportunity to present the latest results stemming from this EU funded project.
During the conference - which focused on how clean nuclear energy can help combat global warming - Martin Kykal, ENERGY SAFETY GROUP Lead Engineer, highlighted the possibility of modifying nuclear power plants (NPPs) by introducing hydrogen technologies. During his intervention, he presented results relating to the possibility of producing low-carbon hydrogen in Ukraine. He specifically spoke about the outcomes achieved by the various NPHyCo Work Packages covering concept, technology, economics, licensing, and implementation, as well as the selection of a suitable location for a hydrogen production plant, using the example of the Rivne NPP in Ukraine. He underlined the modifications which would have to be implemented by the NPP in the event they wish to couple the site with a hydrogen production plant, including its connection to existing NPP resources and the relevant safety assessment.
NPHyCo project results presented at ICONE 31
During the 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 31), held from 3-8 August in Prague (Czech Republic), NPHyCo partner ESG had the opportunity to present the latest results stemming from this EU funded project.
During the conference - which focused on how clean nuclear energy can help combat global warming - Martin Kykal, ENERGY SAFETY GROUP Lead Engineer, highlighted the possibility of modifying nuclear power plants (NPPs) by introducing hydrogen technologies. During his intervention, he presented results relating to the possibility of producing low-carbon hydrogen in Ukraine. He specifically spoke about the outcomes achieved by the various NPHyCo Work Packages covering concept, technology, economics, licensing, and implementation, as well as the selection of a suitable location for a hydrogen production plant, using the example of the Rivne NPP in Ukraine. He underlined the modifications which would have to be implemented by the NPP in the event they wish to couple the site with a hydrogen production plant, including its connection to existing NPP resources and the relevant safety assessment.
NPHyCo organises webinar on technical requirements of hydrogen production from nuclear
On Monday 4 November 2024, NPHyCo partners Framatome and ENERGY SAFETY GROUP organised the first of a series of webinars on hydrogen production from nuclear, focusing on the technical requirements relating to the coupling of an existing nuclear power plant with a hydrogen production plant.
The webinar was introduced by Framatome’s Canet Serin, who gave an overview of the work conducted by the NPHyCo project in researching the potential to develop large scale, low-carbon hydrogen production facilities linked to nuclear power plants, in light of the rising need for the EU to produce vast amounts of clean hydrogen. Framatome’s Martin Glückler then delved into the research conducted by NPHyCo project partners on the technical conditions for producing hydrogen from nuclear. He outlined the different nuclear power plant and hydrogen production plant coupling scenarios which were assessed, resulting in the drafting of a technical roadmap and a decision matrix which will support the identification of the most adapted integration solution for different nuclear sites. The factors to be taken into account for the coupling of a nuclear power plant with a hydrogen production plant were then detailed by ESG’s Martin Kykal, who presented the case study of a possible hydrogen production unit integration within a nuclear power plant. The webinar concluded with a Q&A session, where participants further discussed some of the questions raised in the presentations, and started to address the economic aspects of hydrogen production from nuclear, which will be explored in upcoming NPHyCo webinars (
To watch the recording and download the presentation, click here
NPHyCo consortium meets in Erlangen
On 9 & 10 October 2024, NPHyCo consortium partners met at the Framatome GmbH premises in Erlangen (Germany) for a Governance Board meeting. With just six months left in the project, this meeting focused on the outcomes of the different work packages (WP) and work began on how to best communicate the results.
During these two days, partners discussed the work undertaken primarily in relation to the Technical, Economic, Licensing and Implementation Roadmaps. As part of this conversation, conclusions were drawn about what is needed to couple an existing Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) with a Hydrogen Production Plant (NPP). The debate centred on the most appropriate electrolyser technologies, siting, safety and licensing conditions, as well as the economic benefits of such projects. Furthermore, the issue was of public acceptance was discussed, including the results of the first public acceptance survey, which will now be relaunched taking into account lessons learnt from the first version.Time was also dedicated to dissemination activities. Indeed, now that project results are available and conclusions can be drawn a series of events are foreseen over the next six months in order to communicate the results of the project as widely as possible. .
NPHyCo organises national workshop in Ukraine
On 27 & 28 June 2024, NPHyCo organised a national workshop in Ukraine to discuss the project, its outcomes and potential benefits for Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPP). This workshop was led by project partner ENERGY SAFETY GROUP and was kindly hosted by the Rivne NPP.
In terms of attendance, participants included representatives from both the Khmelnitsky and Rivne NPPs and the Energoatom Directorate with branch Atomprojectengineering, both in person and online. It provided an opportunity to share some updates about the project and progress made to date. In this respect, it was noted that work on the project is progressing well, with the following conclusions to date:
● In terms of results obtained so far, and the technical feasibility of nuclear and hydrogen co-generation, several scenarios have been developed.● Furthermore, several nuclear operators have shown great interest in the potential for such coupling.● In terms of downstream users who will make use of the hydrogen produced, what matters to them is reliability of supply and cost competitiveness, rather than the source of the hydrogen.
During the first day of the workshop, project partner ENERGY SAFETY GROUP provided an overview of the potential for having a hydrogen production plant coupled to both the Rivne and Khmelnitsky nuclear power plants. In this respect, aspects relating to location, access to demineralised water, cooling water, compressed air, nitrogen as well as the handling of waste water were covered for both nuclear power plants. This was followed by a presentation on the licensing roadmap relating to the integration of a hydrogen nuclear power plant and a nuclear power plant. It included an overview of the EU legislation which applies to hyrogen production plants and nuclear power plants, and highlighted important aspects which need to be borne in mind. In addition, information was shared about Ukrainian legislation which would apply to such co-generation projects.
On the second day, more detailed presentations were shared regarding two areas of work being undertaken by the project. The first one relates to the Economic Roadmap which is looking at how income can be generated by the coupling of an nuclear power plant with a hydrogen production plant. In terms of tasks completed to date, these include developing cost models for three electrolyser technologies, identifying the costs for modifying the Rivne nuclear power plant and determining the cost related to each integration scenario.
A presentation was also given relating to the External Hazard Impact Assessment. The goal of this work is to evaluate the impact on an nuclear power plant of an accident scenario on an hydrogen production plant. To do this, work has been undertaken to identify potential accident scenarios, ,the degrees of plant integration, and finally the application of two safety analysis methodologies: probabilistic and deterministic.
NPHyCo launches public acceptance survey
As part of the NPHyCo project a survey has just been launched in order to identify citizens opinion towards nuclear and hydrogen.
The aim of this survey is to first of all gain insights into how much people know about these two technologies and their potential coupling. It also tries to identify whether citizens would support the coupling of a nuclear power plant (NPP) with a hydrogen production facility.
This survey is being developed as part of Work Package 6, Task 6.3 and the results will be used as input for the socio-economic study due at the end of the project. The goal of this study is to investigate how and to what extent a hydrogen plant coupled to an NPP could influence public awareness and acceptance around nuclear power generation.
Click here to take part in this survey:
NPHyCo meets with Advisory Board to present latest project developments
On 10 June 2024, NPHyCo organised a meeting with its Advisory Board ( in order to share the latest project developments and receive their feedback. The meeting started off with a brief introduction of the goals of the project. It was then noted that significant results stemming from this project are expected to become available in September 2024.
In this respect, information was shared about the current status of the work relating to the techno-economic analysis. To date, a questionnaire has been sent to several nuclear power plants (NPPs) and, based on the feedback received, the partners have identified eight integration scenarios between NPPs and hydrogen production plants (HPPs). Furthermore, an analysis of each NPP has been conducted to identify potential hydrogen consumers located near to the sites. Following on from this, work has been undertaken in relation to economic aspects. This includes an assessment of the potential cost of modifying an NPP in order to integrate the hydrogen production option. In addition, the partners have also looked into how NPPs can benefit economically from coupling with HPPs. The final results of this work are due on September 2024. A second presentation was given regarding the work to date in terms of identifying pilot sites. This includes the mapping of different sites where and HPP would be built in relation to certain NPPs in Europe.
NPHyCo presented at University of West Bohemia lecture
On 23 May 2024, Martin Kykal, a representative from ENERGY SAFETY GROUP presented an open lecture to students and faculty at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň during the Nuclear Days 2024.
Attendees were introduced to insights gained from the NPHyCo project, with the lecture focusing on utilising existing nuclear resources for hydrogen production. He indicated that the project explores the integration of hydrogen production equipment with resources that nuclear power plants can provide, such as electrical power, demineralised water, cooling water, and also addresses legislative, nuclear, and radiation safety issues.
NPHyCo presented at SNE webinar
The Spanish Nuclear Association (SNE) has recently organised a series of training sessions relating to hydrogen and nuclear energy on 16, 18 and 23 April 2024. Cecilia Herrero (Tecnatom) was invited to present the NPHyCo projet during one of these webinars.
As part of her intervention she provided an overview of the project and outlined outcomes so far:
● Overview and objectives of the project;● Need and benefits of hydrogen production;● Overview of existing hydrogen projects and other European initiatives (GEMINI 4.0 and TANDEM);● Data collection process and interaction with nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Europe;● First economic results discussion.
The session was very well received, with a record number of attendees at such a training. In addition, the feedback received was really positive with several interested parties have reaching out to NPHyCo for more information.
NPHyCo presented at SNETP Forum
On 18 April 2024, Canet Serin (Framatome GmbH) attended the SNETP Forum in Rome (Italy) in order to present the NPHyCo project.
As part of her intervention, she gave an overview of the aims of NPHyCo. In this respect she drew attention to some of the challenges which the EU is fading in terms of decarbonising its economy and how hydrogen, produced from nuclear, can help tackle these challenges.
Furthermore, she outlined the goals of the project, including:
● The potential for developing large scale, low-carbon, hydrogen production facilities linked to nuclear power plants.● Assessment of the feasibility of producing hydrogen near an existing nuclear power plant as well as the added value of such project.● Analysis of potential off-takers (e.g. steel, iron, fertilizer and petrochemical industry) and transportation routes.● Overview of potential locations where a pilot project could be implemented.
In addition to this presentation, NPHyCo also had an exhibit in the coffee area, allowing participants to come and find out more about the project.
NPHyCo joins TANDEM Industrial Users Group meeting
On 5 April 2024, NPHyCo was invited to the TANDEM Industrial Users Group (IUG) meeting in order to provide an update on the project. A representative from a second EU Project, GEMINI 4.0, was also invited to give a presentation and this gave an opportunity to discuss potential synergies between these three projects.
In her presentation, Canet Serin (Framatome GMBH) presented the goals of the NPHyCo project and gave an overview of the 6 Work Packages and current status of the Deliverables.
In addition to these three EU Projects, GENVIA (a public / private joint venture between CEA, Schlumberger, Occitanie, Vinci, and Vicat) was invited to present the work it is undertaking in the field of hydrogen in order to help heavy industry achieve long-term decarbonisation goals. Given the close interlink between the work of GENVIA and NPHyCo, it was agreed that continued engagement between the two would prove fruitful.
NPHyCo Interview
In December, Oleksandr Mazurok, Technical Director of ENERGY SAFETY GROUP spoke about the work on the NPHyCo project in an interview with the Ukrainian industry resource
The interview covered topics related to hydrogen energy, including prospects for hydrogen production at Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs), and the introduction of hydrogen plants in Ukraine and the world. He provided an overview of the project’s goals and objectives, as well as the work performed and interim results achieved to date.
He highlighed that three types of electrolyzers have been selected for the project: two of them use hydrogen electrolysis and one uses steam electrolysis. At European plants, steam electrolysis may be the optimal solution, but the current results show that this option is not possible for Ukrainian NPPs.
Click here to view the interview in Ukrainian:
NPHyCo Project at WNE2023
The results of the NPHyCo project were presented by ENERGY SAFETY GROUP at its stand at the World Nuclear Exhibition 2023 (WNE2023), which took place in Paris from 28-30 November 2023.
Information about the NPHyCo project was prepared as a separate section in ENERGY SAFETY GROUP`S materials. The topic was also widely covered at the working meetings held during the exhibition.
More information:
NPHyCo presented at 2023 edition of ENLIT
In November 2023, NPHyCO was represented in a panel session dedicated to emerging nuclear technologies during the 2023 edition of ENLIT held in Paris, France. During this session Canet Serin, Hydrogen Projects Manager at Covalion, a Framatome spin-off, provided an overview of the project, including the fact that it is assessing the feasibility of producing hydrogen near a nuclear power plant and that it will analyse potential offtakers like the steel, iron, fertilizer and petrochemical industry. In this respect she noted that the technical feasibility of the project is not in question and that offtakers are largely interested in reliability of hydrogen supply at a competitive price.
Click here for more information:
NPHyCo presents at SET Plan conference
From 13-15 November 2023, the 17th SET-Plan conference ( was held in Barcelona, Spain. As part of this conference Dr. -Ing. Ümit Can (Head of COVALION - Framatome GmbH) presented the NPHyCo project during a session dedicated to Research & Innovation (R&I) success stories in the nuclear sector. During his intervention he provided an overview of advantages of hydrogen cogeneration with nuclear, noting in particular the potential for reliability of supply at a competitive price. He also noted some of the challenges which will need to be addressed.
Watch the session here in full!
NPHyCo attends Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium
On 11 October 2023, Martin Glückler from Framatome GmbH (Covalion) provided an overview of the latest developments relating to the NPHyCo project during the 55th edition of the Power Plant Technology Congress, Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, in Dresden, Germany.
During his intervention, Martin provided an update on the various deliverables which have been produced over the last twelve months, including the Project frame of references, scenario definition, and the analysis of viable interfaces within the environment of a nuclear power plant for hydrogen generation.
NPHyCo projected presented at V International Scientific Conference in Kyiv
On September 28-29, 2023, the V International Scientific Conference “Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy” was held in Kyiv in the Great Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The event was organized by the Public Organization Ukrainian Nuclear Society (UkrNS) together with the Council of Young Scientists at the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Energy of the NAS of Ukraine, the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the NAS of Sciences of Ukraine with the support of the NNEGC Energoatom, as well as leading Ukrainian and foreign companies collaborating with enterprises of the Ukrainian nuclear industry.
On behalf of NPHyCo, Oleksandr Mazurok, Technical Director of ENERGY SAFETY GROUP, presented the first outcomes of this project, including its significance for the Rivne and Khmelnytsky NPPs and Ukraine as a whole. Click here for more information:
NPHyCo Governing Board Meets in Frankfurt
On 13 & 14 September 2023, the Governing Board of the NPHyCo project met in Frankfurt, Germany. The main focus of this meeting was to go through the different Work Packages, the Deliverables already completed as well as Tasks which are currently ongoing. Time was also dedicated to discussing how to improve communications with the various partners in the consortium as well as outreach to relevant Nuclear Power Plants.
Participation in hydrogen from nuclear webinar
On 12 September 2023, NPHyCo participated in a webinar entitled 'Hydrogen from Nuclear Power: Technology Perspectives'. This webinar, organised by project partner nucleareurope, focused on the latest technological developments. Furthermore, it emphasised the importance of having the right political and financial support in place.
On behalf of NPHyCo, Canet Serin (Project Manager H2 Technologies & Battery Solutions, Framatome), presented some of the feasibility aspects - and challenges - relating to nuclear produced hydrogen.
For those unable to join this event, check out the event recording available from here:
NPHyCo kicks-off in Frankfurt
In May 2023, representatives from the project attended the SNETP ( Forum which ran from 15 until 17 May in Gothenburg, Sweden. Nuclear cogeneration (including hydrogen as well as heat and steam) featured very prominently during the forum this year. Furthermore, participants agreed that the decarbonisation targets will not be met without nuclear, and that as a result many countries, downstream users and industries are showing a keen interest in this technology. The NPHyCo project was presented via a poster exhibition.
Following on from this, NPHyCo partners attended the "Journée Hydrogène et problématiques matériaux" which took place on 1 June in Lyon, France. This event focused primarily on R&D and scientific developments. In terms of hydrogen, most of the attention was on its interaction with other materials (eg pipelines and storage). On behalf of NPHyCo, Framatome GmbH ( presented the project to participants..