Work Packages

The NPHyCo project is composed of 7 Work Packages which tackle not only the technical and economic aspects of producing hydrogen from nuclear power, but which will also lay the groundwork for a first pilot project in Europe.

WP1: Conceptualisation

This Work Package will focus on conceptualisation of the project. This includes● Identifying the needs and benefits hydrogen produced from nuclear● Ensuring that any research undertaken addresses the challenges faced by nuclear power plants appropriately● Prepares for the implementation of the Pilot Project

WP2: Technical Roadmap

This Work Package will focus on the technical conditions related to the coupling of a hydrogen production facility to an existing NPP. This includes identifying:● The needs of a hydrogen plant● The services and resources of an existing NPP which could be shared with the hydrogen facility● Interactions between the two facilities

WP3: Economic Roadmap

This Work Package aims to develop a business plan for hydrogen produced from nuclear power. This includes:● Economic feasibility of such projects● Estimating potential costs and revenues● Identifying the market needs for low-carbon hydrogen & how nuclear can help meet demand● Economic comparison between nuclear and other hydrogen production sources

WP4: Licensing Roadmap

This Work Package will focus on licencing requirements. This includes:● Identification of key licencing issues to be considered when planning a hydrogen facility coupled to an NPP● Defining ways in which the licensing process can be optimised

WP5: Implementation Roadmap

This Work Package will put forward proposals for pilot plant locations and their layout. This includes:● Development of criteria to assist in the identification of the most suitable concept● Review of the technical and economic solutions identified by WPs 2 + 3 to assist in the implementation of pilot projects● Conducting an integration assessment once the pilot project location is identified

WP6: Communication, Dissemination & Public Awareness

This Work Package focuses on communication around the project. This includes:● Sharing the outcomes of the project with stakeholders and getting feedback● Assessing how such projects affect public acceptanc● Identifying potential education and training needs

WP7: Project Coordination and Management